i will TELL you what he is building in there, he is building a fuckin masterpiece

Jun 19, 2010 11:23


omg this is so cool *_*

obvs not as cool as last night cos that was class, i was already better than everyone else even before it started even though some fat cows thought they was IT cos nobody else has got DAJVE BIKINUS for a model :P but omg the rest as well, that was amazingggg, sasha is indeed FIERCE and olly is still fitter than you even with a fat lip and lilly and daisy need to be locked in a tower cos when they grow up they are going to be BOY MAGNETS and joneses music was just what it needed and and and breathe. it was so good :D it dont even feel like being in college when you get to do big things like this, it feels real and theres scouts there and all sorts like what you get at football matches and. hmmmm. guess whose got offered a 1 month summer work placement with gallianos studio?? :* you dont get paid or nothing and its probs just sourcing blow and sweeping the floor but still!! its so cool, they keep a proper eye on people cos loads of important designers been to my college and i spose if you want to get anywhere here you have to start from the floor up but they still want to snag people quick if they think your worth anything, i werent that bothered before i was only doing it cos its good fun and i know its like the ONE thing i am any good at and i wanted to finish so i can shove 2 fingers up at everyone whose ever laughed cos i said i was getting a degree but now i want it for real cos yesterday was like KBOOM and my head is still all spinny and i dont know what to think yet, i dont know if i should go and beg at westwood and see if i can get a place there instead before i say yes but HAHA look at the spoilt brat thinking galliano aint good enough ;) lmao <3 pete sent me a good luck postcard and i put it in my mirror frame backstage so everyone had to see it when they was getting made up then i kept it in my arse pocket for good look the rest of the night so its a bit crumpled round the edges but it worked xxxx i love it, its going in my treasure box forever :)

finally rolled in after we been out dancing after and omg there was a parcel waiting on reception and HAHAHA SASHA IS MY FAVOURITE



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knackered today!! i got NOTHING on from now on til whenever i work out what i am doing, the plan is to catch up on 6 months of sleep and roll all over Lindsay til he tells me again how amazing i am :* cos i AM and any bitch what dont agree can go and lie down in the road cos your fuckin wrong

treeful of starling, sometimes i am brilliant, ollywog, sasha, watch out vogue i will blow your mind, dajve, heyyy schoolgirl, oh happy day (oh happy day)

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