(no subject)

Jul 07, 2009 15:16

aint so hot today and its pissing down rain, THANK YOU GOD <3 i can almost pretend its england. excpt everyones talking french. cant wait to come back!! its only like a week til we're back over :D

its quiet today, when its nice weather people come and hang out here sometimes if the cafes busy or whatever but when its raining like this its like a ghost town, we're that bored i did my boss's hair and she painted my face like bowie on pin-ups, i dont know if i should wash it off before i go home or just go home and not say nothing to Lindsay and make him think he's goign crazy when he asks why. but i dont realy wanna walk through town painted up like this, kids might throw stones at me. i mean everybody KNOWS i'm as gay as a handbag full of rainbows but they dont like being slapped round the face with it. specialy not the boys, i swear to god all the guys my age are like 85 and judgey, spose they cant help it, there all farmers, they aint being hateful on purpose. the girls are cool tho, its a town full of fag hags :D i dont mind, i always got on better with girls (Ollys dick is like this .,. so he's basicaly a girl anyway)


might as well clean up again for like the 5'th time today :/ i dont mind realy, we're just eating pain au chocolates and singing dead loud, cant bunk off so much when theres people around :P

working girl, boooooooored

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