17th Atrocity - I AM CANNIBAL [Event!]

Nov 27, 2011 19:19

[Black Mage watched the Cannibals chase people and knew what he had to do.

He had to switch to the winning team. They just kept coming and no one had powers anymore.]

Okay, stupid bunny, just shut up and look dead.

[With 39degreesc strapped to his back as a form of armor, to prevent back stabbing bastards of course, he moves.

Black Mage finds the slowest cannibal in the group, ambushes them with a knife and kills them. Then, covering himself in their blood, he begins eating them.

He kinda wishes he could cook this one before eating, but beggers can't be choosers.

When the rest of the mob finds him, he grins and hopes they fall for it.

By the way they're pointing and howling, though, he starts to get the hint that this wasn't his best thought out plan. Too bad for his house pet as well.

Maybe someone is witnessing the pudgy creep getting eaten alive. Maybe this is buying someone time to run and hide. Either way, BM does not survive this.

Maybe they'll hear the poor pet's cries over the howls, maybe.]

event: peace love tranquility and union, mesousa is going to die too

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