Today was important. It has been a day of internal rerouting, I guess you could say. College was nothing, as usual. This English final on Thursday is going to get owned so hard I could write a better essay than all my peers merely by sticking a pen in my ass and writing it like that. I don't have to take a math final because I own so much. Computer final next weekend. College has taught me something important: I can skip any day I want, skip tests, do only what I desire and none of what I don't, and I will succeed overwhelmingly. Haha, ain't that some shit? That's pretty much completely against I was taught in high school. I spent nearly the whole day playing Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War. Eventually my fingers were getting tired so I signed up for a traffic school to clear up that speeding ticket I got a while back and now I am just about finished with it. After that I got high, wrote a killer essay, drew up a design for a banner, played more Warhammer, and then surfed 4chan. Currently, the legions of /b/ are going to wage war on some furry's live journal. Here is the journal and the post getting laid to waste if you want to see:, I thought a bit today and realized a truth. Times are grim for me currently and probably aren't going to get much better soon. I have no significant other, I have no desire to interact with almost all people, I can barely sleep, my waking hours very similar to the nightmares that plague me during sleep and all of reality is starting to become more and more false. However, these are also the best of times. I no longer have someone holding me back from acquiring the power I deserve, I have no interruptions from other people, my tattoo is awesome, I am losing the need to eat and sleep, I am taking care of my body (combing hair, shaving, brushing teeth, general hygiene, etc.) much more than before, I have the money and will to get my tattoos, I have a great new computer game, and have all new paths to conquer and all new resources to plunder. I have a new possible future. If this whole computer networking thing ends up being boring and undesirable, I could always get my PhD in the Occult and see what work I can get out in the field. Who wants to help me start a cult\hangout-group dedicated to chaos, hallucinogenic drugs, games, hookah, spiritual machines, and possibly blood orgies?