May 23, 2004 05:50
hmmm...where to begin.
my days are infinitely long...waiting for the moment i step foot on the plane, or step foot off rather...and place myself in la....just seems to come as slow as possible. why must time pass so slow when you are awaiting something?
so yeah...i love.
i'm now working with chels. so far i'm just training, but it shall prove to be better money i do believe.
i love my friends. they are wonderful.
tonight...was totally halarious and fun.
yes, tonight, me and chels went to watch a certain event to see how a new person fit in...and so i decided that i would be very humorous and make a little shirt containing the text of his nude pic trading emails. iron it on. rock it with a smile. yes...he traded naked pictures with a girl online. how fucked up can one be?
and yeah, so me and chels had so much fun, awaiting the show and trying to get into kens, mexican incognito, the show, realizing someone has gone downhill, very uplifting who's the bull?...laugh upon laugh...then a mission which proved to be destiny, literally....then to some guy chels knows party in the boro.
OF COURSE, i talk to the most wonderful everyday. i love it. crazy how i used to be so intimidated by colby having sex with however many people...and be like "oh thats gross, i can't like him", because that freaked me, little pure one, out....then i learn of sEth trading nude photos....who's the gross one? lesson was to learn that noone is perfect. i mean...for so long i searched for perfect and only that...any little were out...but now...all i can say is wow....what great time i missed out upon...with the person who honestly believes i'm the most beautiful girl in the world...with the person who would do anything for me...and has recently proved that...just WOW. how silly i was...but the past is the past...and my future is looking brighter than ever before. and i love being played something over the phone...why? who knows...i just love it.
and i am so amazingly good. so good.
now just let june 15th roll around this way and it will be life.
so theres so much more to say but it is super late/early...whatever way you look at i think i'll finish up later!