Dec 20, 2006 00:20
. . .. . THIS YEAR . .. . ..
[ P L A C E S ]
went out of the country: yep. Hong Kong over spring break. (wow that seems like a long time ago)
moved: no
new school: yes
how many times on an airplane: spring break.
[ Y O U ]
have you changed? yes.
new look: not too much...hairs kinda stranger and prolly rounder or something.
most depressed time this year: about three days ago...
[L O V E ]
did you fall in love: not yet.
did you get heartbroken: nope.
who was your summer love: Sumita Mitra. It was hot and steamy.
[ S E A S O N S ]
favorite season: autumn/summer transition.
least favorite season: winter/spring.
good birthday: doubtful...
any snow this year: haha yes. lots of it. at the beach.
highest temperature: in LC. it was always v. nice in SB.
[ F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S ]
snuck out: a few times (senior prank, joan's goodbye thing). In college, i guess it's not sneaking anymore.
kept your resolution: don't remember...but probably not.
got arrested: haha funny story, but no.
drank alcohol: Oh honey...i go to SB.
had a crush: nope
lost a family member: no
got bad grades: I'm scared.
got a myspace: a while ago, but idon't go on it.
kept a secret: yes.
told a secret: no
done something you totally regret: YES x 1000000000000000
changed your view on things: yeah
[in 2006 .. I`ve]
[ x]broken a promise
[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]made a new friend
[ who knows?]fallen in love
[]fallen out of love
[xx...pretty sure only about twice.]lied
[not really, cause they didn't really prohibit it.]went behind your parents back
[probably. i'm retarded that way.]disappointed someone close
[x]had a secret
[]pretended to be happy
[ ] got arrested
[hmm we kissed, and it was raining, but we weren't i nit.] kissed in the rain
[i was very much awake under the stars] slept under the stars
[?? ] kept your new years resolution
[X!] forgotten your new years resolution
[Alot of people i guess, but one person the most, yes.] met someone who changed my life
[nope...batman still won't return my phone calls] met one of your idols
[i'd say so]changed your outlook on life
[summer, winter...oh deah] sat home all day doing nothing
[ ] pretended to be sick
[yeppos hong Kong ] left the country
[I've avoided several very dangerous bike accidents] almost died
[not really...] given up something important to you
[ FUCK. YES.] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[x] made a change in your life
[well, i've always kinda known who my true friends were...haven't exactly been betrayed] found out who your true friends were
[X!] met great people
[xx for house...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for dorm] snuck out of the house
[never until sunrise, but we should've. only til about 5] stayed up til sunrise
[ ick yes.] pigged out over the summer
[ ] met someone from myspace in person
[haha yes. sorry bout that puuchu ] cried over the silliest thing
[X!!! once i was only back for about 10 minutes to shower.] was never home on weekends
[ bike!] got into a car accident
[sadly yes] had friends who were drifting away
[ ] had someone close to me die
[haha yes my damn texts.] had a high cell phone bill
[wasted money on clothes and random stuff. i can do w/o food ] wasted most of my money on food
[i wish] had a fist fight
[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] went to the beach
[x Jon Stewart] saw a celebrity
[have a cough.] gotten sick
[xxxx] became closer to a friend