Dec 07, 2006 12:47
I am currently sitting in my underwear, drinking a mango-a-go-go and eating Kix cereal. Getting a little nippy. I suspect that I will need clothes soon.
Yesterday was really fun. Walt met my parents (:X) and they thought he was jewish. lol. It was really cute cause after some of the crazy songs (really fast and fun ones i.e. Farandole) he'd be so happy and he'd do a silent 'yeah!'. Then I went with my parents to get boba and it was good. They left, and Walt came over and (it was 12) and we walked to this place to eat and he tried to teach me how to play pool (I suck, btw.) Then we went back to the house but the front door was locked so he had to climb a tree to get in.
His housemates woke up and they're like "wtf...was there someone on the roof'?" Walt's like "yeah, it was me. Did you think i was a cat-burglar or something?" THey're like " We thought you were those damn mexican kids." Walt was quite crushed after that. Then I got a massage.
Anyways...potential plans for when we get home:
Disneyland...? 20th.
My b-day. Mom says that we can have a mini party/sleepover. So that's open.
OMG we need to have a LOTR drinking game! or some kind of drinking game in general.
decorate our tree. yes, OUR tree.
Bum around, as usual. Dito to krista's idea. Alternate houses and such.