May 13, 2005 21:29
Thanks for whoever to it among themselves to send my livejournal journals to his mom. I bet you were really trying to ruin something weren't you. Guess what, you have your facts wrong. I'm not his girlfriend, he's not my boyfriend. Everyone has "a pottymouth" and I'm not only black, but white and native american as well. Bet ya didn't know that did you. But to who ever did do this, I applaud you because it was very clever and sneaky because no one saw it coming. I'm very glad that you had so much free time on your hands to have printed three lj and send them the same day. Boy you must really not like the two of us, or hey maybe just me. But that alright you don't have to. I know I don't like everyone. But any way why don't you explain yourself, or you know what would be even more ballsier? Tell us who you are. That would ease some tension don't you think? So what if I can't talk to him any more, and yeah it's sad that his parents "hate" me before they even met me or heard about me the regular way, but what can I do, now that you've done this? Nada. So just tell me, I won't tell. Who are you and why?