Friday blew.
Anne Wilson did all of these pictures.
Although half+ of the people I talk to at school are are boys, I decided to have an only-girls-dress-up party for my school-friends. For passing out invites 1-2 days before the party there was a pretty good turn-out.
Laura and Shannon McNally. I told Shannon she was excused from wearing a dress, so she wore a skirt.
B. Ward was playing frisbee in my street. I saw her tushy.
Laura got me SEX EXPLAINED [pictured below] and S. McNally got me American Idol Barbie.
Laura, Anne, Sofia, Amanda, Delmar and I are going to a "SHOW" next Friday. Haaagfl.
The rest of S. McNally's present was to let me braid her hair. I sang Just Around the Riverbend
Sofia unintentionally signed her driver's license, "Sofa"/makes me pee everywhere.
Alina was late. [Kate+Susan = Sensasian]
Oh Sofia.
I'm not in love with Susan!!!!
Anne Wilsssson.
HahahhaaaaaaaaaaaAAAaaa. Sofia is my favourite thing ever.
My favourite picture ever.
Although she refused to sleepover because last time she woke up at 4 in the morning to Brittany/me wiping paste on her face, she did keep the hat on for seven hours straight.
I love girls in dresses.