You broke your promises...

Nov 07, 2004 02:20

Friday was a really long day. I had class, then ate lunch with Kathryn, after which we went shopping on Franklin Street. I bought 2 awesome scarves for the winter, and 2 pairs of jeans I found at the cheap vintage clothing store for $10 each. The we hung out for quite a while...I don't really remember exactly what we did except for going to The Yogurt Pump. And then later we went to see Team America and we almost died laughing. Literally, we couldn't breathe. Best movie ever.

Today I had to wake up fucking early as hell (AKA 9:30) to register for classes for next semester. But I got a really good schedule. I am taking SLAV 29 (Honors Eastern European Lit), RUSS 002 (Russian 2), LING 61 (Intro To Transformational Grammar), CLAS 26 (Etymology), and ANTH 44 (Anthropology and Social Problems). I start at 9:30am on Tuesday/Thursday and 10:00 on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. And no more fucking every-other-week Astronomy labs to worry about. Yay. PLUS Kathryn and Karen are both in my ANTH 44 class and we all got into the same recitation, so many shenanigans will abound =). I am really excited about that.

I spent most of the rest of today with Kathryn. We did a little homework in Davis Library, then went back to HoJo and chillaxed in her room and took a 2 hour nap. Then we had Franklin Street Pizza & Pasta for dinner. It's been nice hanging out with her, just the 2 of us, this weekend. I'm really glad I have her to talk to and I hope I am a good listener for her. I try to be.

I hate regret. It's a terrible thing. Even when it's not directly my own. I'm tired of waking up, frightened, heart pounding, with no memory of what I just dreamed, but just the vivid image of your face. When will it stop?

I wish I could get you out of my head.
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