Nov 30, 2004 19:43

TEN people you like to be around
1. Jorge
2. my dad
3. Kathryn
4. Karen
5. Katherine
6. Chris
7. my cousin Melissa
8. my aunt Susan
9. Katie
10. Domenic

NINE things you're wearing:
1. black and white striped shirt
2. off-white bra
3. jeans
4. dark blue socks
5. brown belt
6. brown shoes
7. generic underwear
8. the ring Jorge gave me
9. necklace with shark tooth and locket on it

EIGHT things on your mind:
1. Jorge
2. Russian homework
3. philosophy final and how behind I am on reading
4. my head hurts
5. the end of the semester
6. I need to work on my parents' Christmas present
7. I hate my skin
8. why won't my neighbors ever shut the fuck up

SEVEN items you touch every day:
1. computer mouse
2. keys
3. desk chair
4. shower caddy
5. my hair
6. my bed
7. some kind of vessel that contains coffee

SIX things you do every day:
1. eat
2. consume caffeine
3. type
4. speak
5. brush my hair
6. read

FIVE things you want to do before you die:
1. get married
2. go sky-diving
3. travel to at least 2 other continents
4. earn a Ph.D.
5. have one child

FOUR things you would never do:
1. kill myself
2. drop out of school
3. cheat on a significant other
4. major in Economics

THREE things you think when you wake up:
1. please god let it be Saturday today
2. ow, my arm
3. where the fuck are my glasses, I can't see shit

TWO of your favorite foods:
1. shrimp parmesan
2. fudgy brownies

ONE person you love more than any other:
1. Jorge
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