I still believe in your eyes; I just don't care what you've done in your life...

Nov 27, 2004 14:58

Jorge and I are going to try and work it out. We're starting over. Clean slate. I love him, and he loves me, and right now that is what matters most. So, this is basically to let everyone know that we're back together and working on our relationship. In case you were curious =P. We had a really great night last night, eating at Qdoba and talking and going to the movies, even if the movie was kinda shitty. You know how sometimes things just feel so right? Jorge and I being together - that just feels right. It always has.

Anyway, not a whole lot else to update on. Kathryn - if you see this please call me, or message me on AIM or something to let me know you're all right. I'm here for you if you need to talk about anything. I hope you're OK. I love you! Just remember you have people who care.

I'm going back to UNC tomorrow. It's been nice having a break for a few days, but my parents are starting to bug me and it'll be nice to not have them nagging me again.

Leave some love, or encouragement, or something! =)
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