is that glue...?

Jan 04, 2005 13:14

holy shit its so nice outside. i cant wait till spring till its nice like this everyday. it always makes me so happy and think about soo many things. i was just sitting out back smoking a cigarette and found myself thinking about everything that i miss.

like the time i was in 11th grade. first block had just gotten out and i was on my way to oceanography with bobby athey. it was pouring rain outside and bobby and i got inside the classroom and our teacher hadnt gotten there yet. we decided to just leave and skip oceanography. we went and found sam whitlow's classroom and pulled him out of class to get his car keys. bobby and i went out to the parking lot and ran in the pouring rain all the way to the strip just to get to sams car. we were soaking wet and freezing cold.. so we drove to my house and got sweatshirts, blankets, and pillows.. not to mention, we took a bottle of my moms wine. we went back to the strip and parked the car. we sat there for the rest of the school day and just talked and took pictures and drank my moms wine, and smoked bowls. we got so wasted to the point where we couldnt remember even the second line of the "pledge of allegiance." haha... i remember we had no music. just a walkman... and i remember playing a game where one of us would put the headphones on and turn the music all the way up so we couldnt here anything but the music.. and whoever had the headphones on had to sing the song at the top of their lungs. and the other person would just laugh and laugh at how stupid the other person sounded. hahah... it sounds stupid, but i remember how funny it was at the time. i miss being able to just do stupid pointless things.. and have sooo much fun.

i remember one time at the end of the year.. it was rite before school was about to start, and i went behind the fence in brighton on the bay to smoke a cigarette. Karl and darrek were standing there trying to find a ride to leave. i told them i didnt drive but if they found a ride i would leave with them. we didnt find a ride... but they told me they had a bottle at karl's house and they really wanted to leave. we walked all the way from F.C. to the beach. god it took us like 2-3 hours. we went over to codie's house and i watched them skate for like an hour. then we went to karls and drank the bottle. all i remember is charging the bottle.. and all 4 of us just took shot after shot. after we were completely fucked up.. we rode bikes to wendys. there were only 2 bikes so we had to take turns riding on the handlebars. haha i remember how fucking hard it was to keep my balance while sitting on the handlebars totally wasted. and i remember just laughing the whole way there and falling a couple times. then we went to this school playground and sat up in the big plastic bowl that was at the very top of a pole, and just talking about who knows what. its funny how easy it is to just talk about anything and everything when youre drunk..

i remember one time in 11th grade on ringdance.. and i got all dressed up and ready to pretend i was really going so i could stay out extra late... and i went over to kody's house with bobby athey, snyder, and i dont remember who else. we all got drunk over there. and sat around in kody's backyard on the treestumps talking.... "is that glue..?" hahahha

the first time i drank beer in gatewood and how fucking SCARED i was... (little did i know how much stronger liquor is)

the first time i smoked weed under the bridge... and how much i laughed.

all the trips to the haunted road (elbow road)...

the time i ran away for almost a week and spent everynite getting completely fucked up at jason valez's house with everybody. i remember gettng hit in the head with a coors light by jason thompson. i remember keeping everybody awake all nite by singing sooo loud with jason thompson. i remember in the morning jeff, mickel, and snyder stole my clothes from the bathroom when i was taking a shower and made me stand in the shower for like 10 minutes begging them to give me my clothes back :o(.

the time when me kody mickel snyder and someone else were back in the woods smoking.. and they put me in "the box" and how i couldnt even talk for like 5 minutes afterwards cause i was sooo scared/confused hahah

god i miss being young. their are sooo many more memories that i could write down. i miss feeling young and feeling like everything i did has no regrets.. and everything i did was fun.. no matter what it was. its amazing how fast time goes by.. and how quickly everything you have slips from your fingers. if only you could turn back time, and live in a single moment for the rest of your life...
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