no im not emo..

Mar 06, 2006 16:51

i wrote this.... 2 weeks ago
--> i don't wanna name it "train to nowhere" any other suggestions...?
my favorite line is probably "and next week was yesterday's news"

She’s alone on the train to nowhere,
Palms nervous and aching,
Sweat beading down her,

Torn jeans from walking,
Bare black feet from walking,
Overjoyed to sit.

Trying to remember why she left,
She was searching for salvation,
But she doesn’t know if she’s free.

Her eyes look twenty years older,
Her face is even worse.

She curiously gazed at the sunlight,
The cascade of color by her door.

Looking back was a hot summer day,
The sun still fixated on its target,
The girl.

Whose skin had lost its color,
Its shine,
Was forever gone.

But what did forever mean anyways?
Didn’t all things come to an end…

Her fingers pale white,
Her nails dark brown,
But her mind was young.

Today was tomorrow,
And next week was yesterday’s news,
Time was irrelevant to her,
All that mattered,
Was the train to no where.
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