randi, you suck!. she got me started on looking at how gay i was back in the day!!!
"hahahaha, me and jesse walked home really quick today. and these hotties asked for our phone #'s and we were like errr. idk why we always do that tho.kids try to hit on us all the time. and we say the gay answer of NO! why??!?! why.. lol. err yeah. "
"thursday] me and jess wore skirts to school. we were pimps. and some little bitch *cough cough* hipocrit wore the same exact socks of me + jesse. i was like err bittchh? and randi put on a sign that says "i am so cool because i wear my socks like jesse + alyx. because i am so punk rock." god that was so awesome randi. "
hahahahah i remember that day so good.
hahaha ok one more.
then lunch **** was talking about how ***** had sex. im like listen dont be talking about about my girrrl. shes like i aint. but its true. im like listen she didnt have sex. shes like omg blah blah blah blah. im like whatever ur a tramp. then danny was just laughing. im like errr... thats ur gf. hes like omg i know. im like haha sure. then billy asked out donna. shes like yeah. sure. bye. im like weee. it was pretty funny. todd kept on staring at me. damn the kid is SO hot.