Jan 23, 2009 22:46
Okay I'm sorry. I'm sorry I threw my journal across the room and let it just rot there while everything went to shit. I'm sorry I wasn't around to just... be around. I guess I was probably hoping it was one of those stupid pranks the Sphere likes to pull on us all and things would go back to being Pleasantville within a few days if I just ignored it.
I know, I know, I'm sorry. Fine. I'm ready to do something. Maybe not tonight. I'm gonna close Smoke's after tonight for the time being. No I have no idea where the hell I'm gonna start looking, but it'll sure as hell make me feel a lot better than just waiting around some more.
Anybody already doing something similar and just want a hand? Otherwise I'll do my own thing, no problem. I've got a bone to pick with that stupid island anyway.
!c2: blood (yachiru),
z2: lucy (selphie),
z1: trust (kogenta),
! edensphere - journal entry,
bonds of friendship,
!es wilderness - rivelata,
in desperate need of cigs,
worrywart kappa,
working out aggressions