Attention adults!

Aug 22, 2008 23:37

Okay so I know I just got here & all but... I'm really, really, REALLY upset there's not a bar around.

So. I checked things out. & Guess what? I'm allowed to start one, they say...

... Problem is I need the money to do it. So, here's the plan folks!

Yours truly is gonna work as a "Tradesperson" [[OOC: link]] for the time being. While I'm running ( Read more... )

z: mcqueen (dean winchester), z3: throne (teddy altman), !c1: bastet (yoruichi), fundraiser time!, z1: trust (kogenta), ! edensphere - journal entry, where's a bar when you need one?, z: seraph (kratos), z: ran (gertrude), !c: lezard // gungnir, z: rider (medusa)

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flenceburgsbest August 23 2008, 05:34:24 UTC
I recall a fundraiser in the past...

Kitty at least had an event to help raise money other than just, "Give me money, you bastards!"

I do believe you're going about it all wrong.


felinemystique August 23 2008, 05:40:37 UTC
I've always thought you had a way with words, Gungnir.


flenceburgsbest August 23 2008, 06:12:19 UTC
I do try. ♥


inthecenterfold August 23 2008, 14:18:25 UTC
So I'm new at money management, big whoop.


nobodysheroine August 23 2008, 14:29:39 UTC
Lateral thinking conquers all, Smoke. Usually, I'd let a situation like this just crash and burn, but given the fact that we are now in the same domestic lifepartner boat, I can't stand idly by.

So clearly driving around with a big sign and depending on the benevolence of strangers is only going to get you so far. How about Mr. Sugardaddy's suggestion and auctioning something, offering goods and services, something to inspire people to start shelling out the big bucks.


inthecenterfold August 23 2008, 15:03:52 UTC
Yeah but like what? So far I've only got this Jeep and-

What about rides in the Jeep? Drivin people around to go wherever? Heck driving lessons?


nobodysheroine August 23 2008, 15:16:42 UTC
The Jeep'll and the driving lessons will only get you as far as however long this strange bumper car phenomenon works. Which, if the annoying girl down the hall is telling the truth, just started randomly one day and could just as randomly stop.


Other than smoke, be naked, and drive around...what else can you do?

[ a long pause ]

How about a mahjong tournament?


inthecenterfold August 23 2008, 15:41:30 UTC
We'd need tiles for that.

And how would the winnings work? The winner'll want to keep a portion, right?


nobodysheroine August 23 2008, 16:13:52 UTC
Tiles are the easy part, tiger. Leave that bit to me.

How about we ask people around the Marketplace if they'd be willing to donate wares that we can tote as prizes. Then participants pay an entry fee or something like that?

Granted, I'm not sure if it'll be enough to pay for a bar, but it's better than driving around in a Jeep like some panhandler on wheels.


inthecenterfold August 25 2008, 13:51:59 UTC
So like... advertising for the merchants? Make a big announcement for the prizes to make sure everyone knows who donated them?

Yeah it'd be a start...


nobodysheroine August 25 2008, 13:58:14 UTC

You're catching on pretty quick.

What do you think? Though, from what I've heard from other people, the whole "date auction" idea people are kicking around? Raised a whole hog of money. More than enough to open the Sphere's first restaurant.


inthecenterfold August 25 2008, 14:50:53 UTC
Only thing I'm worried about is maybe the reason it got so much money last time was because it was this cool new thing. Maybe now people won't be as interested...


child_proteus August 25 2008, 14:54:45 UTC
Dude, trust me. Get the right people to volunteer? It won't matter if they'd been auctioned off once already.

You'll make a killing.


inthecenterfold August 29 2008, 19:00:26 UTC
So O Great Mingler, any suggestions for who'd be "the right people"? That way I know who to go buddy up to.


child_proteus August 29 2008, 20:32:27 UTC
Well, Bastet, for one. And McQueen, for two. And definitely Sight, thrown in for good measure. The three of them alone could probably stir up a good price. But look to Kitty, man, she'll hook you up. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. In fact, I'm pretty sure she's already started to stir the pot for you, dude.

Look her up and she'll definitely do right by you.


inthecenterfold August 29 2008, 23:07:58 UTC
Sounds like I should drop by her place with a gift in hand or somethin.


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