Jun 19, 2010 04:28
Name: Okumura Rin
Birthday: balls I haven't unpacked the book yet. TBA
Age: 15
Height: DERP
Weight: DERP
Eyes: blue
Hair: black
Medical Info: He heals super, super fast. You could cut off a limb and it would be fine later if kept aligned.
Physical Traits: Rin is a stocky, fit boy with pointed ears. He also has a black tail, which he keeps wrapped around his stomach/waist under a loose shirt at all times when in public. If you catch him privately, then his tail is out and swishing about. It behaves like a prehensile cat tail (though it also wags when he's happy), and looks like an all-black lion's tail.
What's Okay to Mention Around Him/Her: JUST ABOUT ANYTHING REALLY. FEEL FREE to notice he's the son of Satan; all demons can tell intuitively when his seal is off.
Abilities: Very physically strong; he can pick cars up easily. Is a beginner with the sword, though his sword can exorcise demons. He has POWER SURGES if he is cornered or very upset where his body/aura catches on blue fire. This usually can't happen unless he unsheathes his sword, which is the "seal" on his power that neutralizes his flames. The more intense and the longer these flames go on, the more it can corrupt him into a berserk mode. His ears grow long, his fangs get nasty and his strength spikes massively when he's like this. It works in reverse: sheath the sword, and he immediately powers down.
Notes for the Psychics/Sensors: Mostly derps around trying hard. HAAATES SATANNNN and worries about his friends finding out about his secret and thinks Shiemi is cute .///.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/slap/spit on?: yep, just ask!
Maim/Murder/Death: Ask first please!
Kissing/Hugging: Totally :|b He'll freak out.
Cooking: Pretty amazing, actually! It's a talent. He can make even plain or simple dishes (like curry) taste very special.