Never realised the city had such a significant Spanish population. Huh.
Right. For those of you who don't already know me, I thought an introduction might be worthwhile.
I'm Doctor Robert Chase. I'm a consultant surgeon at the hospital here as well as, by prior commitment as it turns out, holding fort in the ICU.
In other words, get really sick and you might see me on either side of your anaesthetic.
If the problem's a little less serious, I'll be putting in a few clinic hours too. Just to get to know people. One favour. If you've brought along your sniffles to me in the past, I'm likely to act as though we're unacquainted. Little amnesia problem. But I'm making sure to get au fait with all your files, and that's the important part.
See you around.
[tagbacks mostly tomorrow as I have to get up in about 4 hs -_- ]