Aug 09, 2006 21:33
So, in every teen's life there is this point of no return.
A point retained and remembered.
I've reached one of those pivitol points tonight.
Love is this truly powerful emotion that most our age don't really know.
I had it. I lost it.
Now, I'm at this place where I miss it.
Having such a powerful connection with someone.
And at this place of doubt my desires to simply be in love again control me.
Michael is my savior, from this control it has on me.
He knows to not say it till you mean it.
I wish I had such a luxury.
Also, security.
I know that most of the relationships I've gotten in were by motive of security.
How depressing and revolting is that?
I doubt myself, so I date someone?
Of course it all comes back to the lame excuse, "My parents are divorced, thats why."
Don't go to the ocean if you don't plan on swimming.