For once updating is hard.
I've come back to Cassie's for a short visit. I missed her, she missed me, so theres the story. We went and saw You, Me& Dupree today. It turned out to be okay. Not awesome. But okay. Michael ditched me for CS tonight. And I almost went with Josh to see Lady in the Water but decided against it.
I went to Michael's last night. For the first time we went driving. Without his parents. My boy has a license. So there. I'm actually excited. Really excited. We can go places. And we don't have to worry whether or not our parents will drive us. Because we will. Its cute though, how enthused he is. His parents are kinda iffy on going to Wet n' Wild monday. So, he says, "and if they don't, we can! yessss." Too cute.
Also, yesterday Joe, Rosie, Ryan, Erin and I went to the beach. I not only got stuck in a riptide, bitten by a million mosquitos, but also got stung by a jellyfish! I don't take pain easy. And I've never gotten stung before. It hurts. Alot. We went back to Ryan's to swim&watch funny videos on youtube.
memo;I love my life.