So hey!
asakiyume is making me do this meme. It's going to be terrible because I am not actively working on this novel (all I can manage are little short stories, and even those I can't really manage). Nonetheless! I am committed to the effort of someday writing this story, and I continue to modify it ever so slightly in my sleep. Also I am totally re-doing the series of books I wrote as a high school student and turning them into a treatise on the religious right. You heard right. But first, after-the-apocalypse.
What is the title of your book?
Junction Rally, followed by Pleading the Blood and On Fire for God (again: this is not the religious right trilogy).
Where did the idea for the book come from?
You don't want to know. In its current permutation, however, it came from stories about non-white children who are taken away from their parents and raised "white." Also: from being intrigued by post-apocalyptic scenarios and then confused as to why none of them went in the direction I would have gone in. Also: being angry at humanity, and
this song: "Wield it wisely, and wield it ruthlessly." Fun fact: that's how I strive to wield that sword.
What genre does your book fall under?
Fantasy. Horror? Probably some kind of Fantastic Horror, but I'm sure it would be put next to the other grim, ashy post-apocalyptic books with lonely men carrying guns in a bookstore, never mind that on my cover the man would be pointing the gun at himself.
Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I am actually one of those annoying TV-generation writers (when I first started writing I saw everything as a movie, which is why my writing was so terrible and why my mother was like, "uh, are you sure you don't want to be a cinematographer?) who has a whole cast sketched out, but they would all be either dead or old or in rehab by the time this gets made. Nonetheless, I would want my main character to be played by someone like Joaquin Phoenix in Signs, managing to be earnest, passive, and dopey all at once, and my main antagonist to look like Channing Tatum pretty much at any time. Oh, and my morose primary female character to look like Eva Green in Womb.
What is a one-sentence synopsis of the book?
Trapped in one of America's last villages, a young "demon" tries to be "good" in the hopes of being accepted as a human.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I would want an agency, but this is so far down the road, I don't even...
How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
About six months of pretty solid devotion to writing (and schoolwork).
What other books would you compare this story to in your genre?
Well, this is my never-ending problem, because I basically read literary fiction, and usually non-contemporary literary fiction at that (1920s-1960s precisely), and I have a lot of issues with most post-apocalyptic fiction especially. I can tell you that despite the social conservativeness of many of the more loutish characters, it is the anti-Under the Dome. That said, of the books I love, I would say it aims for something that harks closest to O'Connor's The Violent Bear It Away, the Ibsen plays An Enemy of the People and Ghosts, and McCarthy's Outer Dark. I can't emphasize enough that I am not saying I can write like they can. If we can go to other media, though, it's kind of 100% Battlestar Galactica set in a small town in Nebraska, then smashed together with Twin Peaks.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I have no idea. I felt it was an important story to tell, for whatever reason.
What else about your book might pique the reader's interest?
Exorcisms (fake and real), cannibals, small-town politics, baby-ghosts, wolves, (heavy) gender politics, moonshine, mundane evil, social analysis, moral conundrums. That's just in the first book! Even more shit guaranteed to go down in books two and three, including but not limited to angels, demons, "dragons," California, decapitation, dysfunctional families, and true love.
Include the link of who tagged you and this explanation for the people you have tagged.
Any writers who see this are welcome to do it.