Dec 11, 2011 05:53
this be the birthday of millions one in particular from out the millions pivot swivel swipe 'n' pay more waves than one gather up into a folkus could make the biggest difference in millenia turn things around too naive? or too knife like a sword? let's t' sea again the wonder at its vastness through the concentrating lens(es) of these days write here we livin' in savor/ponder/contemplate/be actions springing organically therefrom too facile? then have at y' own way but really your very own unleashed and wild ain't bad as so-called civilization judges no git back t' being wild reclaim your wildness throw off the domestication that has been imposed upon you by social engineering for way way way way too long but let me fade now back into the vastness of ethers and dark matters of invisible concern somewhere back there where where is where?