In case you were wondering...
Zoe's doing great. We went to the beach today, and what a difference from the first time. She walked happily off leash, and looks more relaxed and slimmer than when she first arrived. She even smiles occasionally!
She has adapted well; I don't think she and Robinson will ever be best buddies, but they seem to coexist quite contentedly. Tabitha greets both of them and the three of them are happy to hang out wherever I am. Zoe has come quite a long way from the sad little dog I picked up in Port Angeles: she runs, she can sometimes have a little FRAP attach in the garden, she will chase me if I run away from her and always comes bounding up on slightly pogo-stick legs when I call her. She's still not mad keen on having her picture taken, but she seems to have relaxed a bit even about that.