Aug 18, 2005 18:59
i'd delete the last entry,
for privacy reasons. but it's not so bad-- and i shouldn't delete what i've posted. I just get nervous to say anything personal here. like, why don't i just say what I have to say to my ex and not be passive aggressive about the fact that she might read this and send her messages that way.
but i'm not trying to be passive aggressive. i'm really not. ok. maybe i am.
i could just send it to someone who cares. but maybe that's what this journal is all about. my sister describes it best in her blog when she said,
"i enjoy this blog. blogging is honest and feels like the e-mail with no destination. the public journal written to everyone and directed at no one."
yes,that's what i think.
ishould learn how to post pictures. this will be a useful thing. ALSO, i've been thinking a lot about my halloween costume and still need the hooded cape for frodo. But today i thought of being Sam "Wise" Gamgee. Yes, i just may be a better Sam than Frodo. What do you think?
maybe i will have that beer. perhaps. maybe i'll work on some poems. yes, that should improve all feelings i have for myself. Preparing poems and sending them out to get rejected!! whooo!! actually, i will feel better about that.