May 04, 2006 02:22
Grades are almost exactly as I expected. Nothing special, but nothing awful. Fine by me, next year is when the crackdown hits.
May this week's job hunt yield ripe, well-paying 40 hour weeks.
Uhhhhh, more sleep from here on in.
Jogging? Y'huh, y'huh, y'huh.
Mellowdrone/Ima Robot - July 4. I'm revved.
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2) On the plus side, I don't think I received any grade below C+ this year. But on the minus side, not even an A-. B+ was as high as I managed.
3)Thirty minutes = Transportation costs that take away money that you could be making. I'm starting to think i'm going to be back at Safeway this summer, which is a little depressing. I wanted to avoid customer service altogether and have a stress-free summer working for the city, but we'll have to see.
4)The actual headliner is She Wants Revenge, but I've heard nothing of theirs, and, given the openers, don't really care. I think i'm mostly revved for mellowdrone.
5)I agree! It's nothing personal, just a gradual diffusion away from livejournal, I think. But hey! we're both sort of still here!
5) Yes!!!
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