You're waiting for the bad times, baby
they might never come.
Can't you see there is no winter, baby
you're standing in the sun.
In a short period of time, things will be crazy busy. I have three finals in three days, plus an in-class essay/final, the date of which has yet to be determined. But right now, everything feels alright.
Blissful, even.
Coming to university was a chance to hone skills, develop new ones, meet new people and ultimately to experience a more independent life. A stepping stone into adulthood.
And so what have I done this year? I've taken great, vital classes (Philosophy, Uni-level English, Poli Sci). I've taken terrible, irrelevant classes (Linguistics, Anthropology). I've met people on the floor (uh, everyone) and off the floor (English Class Girl, Nils, Matt). I've went to a ridiculous number of concerts (the list includes the Arcade Fire, Stars, Metric, Buck 65, Broken Social Scene and Sarah Slean. The list will soon include Islands, which has members of the Unicorns within its ranks), gotten drunk, realised some personal flaws, made some (hopefully) life-long friends and generally grown-up a bit.
I have/had a roommate. His name is Luc and he fucking rocks. We really aren't that close, but get along fine when living together in a room smaller than my own in fort mac.
I don't regret not getting into Ryerson, frankly, because I don't know what i'm missing. Ignorance is bliss, and I may go there and get a master's degree in journalism anyways. So whatever. Not getting in was a gentle reminder that the world doesn't end if something you hoped for doesn't work out. Life goes onnnnn, baby. It twists and it curves and it bucks, but it always rights itself in the end if you stick to your guns and wait it out.
Getting drunk is something I do every so often now. Really, it's a big change for me; I never drank in high school, didn't even touch alcohol until I was eighteen (except for the occaisional glass of wine with dinner) , and never got drunk until I came here. But again, it's just another thing that's just become part of life. Moderation, moderation, moderation.
Likewise, Improv has slowly been draining out of my life. I'll have to wait to do Rapidfire until next september. Kind of a bummer, but as long as I can do something over the summer, I should be okay.
Time to run and watch The Truman Show But I guess the gist of this entry is that life is good.