(Ganked from
k7point5 )
1. First Name:
2. Age:
3. Location:
The East Bay area of RI for home, Providence for work.
4. Occupation:
Executive Assistant in a bilingual (French-English) school
5. Partner:
Nicole, 28. We’ve been together for over 4 years now. Getting married next summer!
6. Kids:
Someday soon. But not too soon.
7. Brothers/Sisters:
- Mike, 23. Just graduated with his Masters’ in Education from UCONN, heading to Thaliand for 10 months this October.
- Sarah, 21 (22 this summer). Just got her BS from Worcester State in Occupational Studies, back in school now for her Masters’ in Occupational Therapy.
I’m super-proud of both of them.
8. Pets:
- Reggie, my cat from home, who’s got to be at least 12 or 13 now.
- Tango, a 6-7 year old, antisocial, gray & white cat
- Cornelius (aka Boy), a 3-4 year old cuddle bug of a cat. Long hair, black and white. The biggest and sweetest baby in the world.
9. List 3-5 biggest things going on in your life right now:
- Getting my grad school application and writing sample finished
- Planning our wedding
- Trying to stick to a diet...
- I get to go on a six-day trip to Delaware for free later this month!
- Working, working, working and trying to get some QT with my lady, friends and family in between.
10. Parents:
- My mom, Mary, who will be SIXTY on Sunday. Cute little lady.
- My dad, Mike, passed away while I was in France in ’07. He would have turned 53 this year the day before I turned 24.
11. Who are some of your closest friends?:
Nicole, for sure. I’ve never connected on so many levels with someone. Also my Sissy, Deni and Brittany (my wedding party). I also have a couple of new friends via Nicole: Julie and Stephanie. Cool kids.
Well, that's it for me. Back to work I go.