Fic: Dark Meat

Mar 27, 2007 19:38

Title: Dark Meat

Author: interpretthis

Fandom: Lost

Pairing: Ben/Juliet

Rating: G

Sin: Gluttony

Summary:  Ben and Juliet have had chicken for dinner one too many times.  (Dark fic of course!)
Notes: Written for 7_deadly_sins_.  Prompt table here.  Cross-posted to 
henrygalelovers and

“I’m getting sick of chicken.”  Juliet peered up at him from underneath her eyelashes, picking at her food with a loosely held fork.

“You love chicken.”  Ben stared into his wine glass, swilling the scarlet liquid a few times before downing the last few sips.  He glanced up at Juliet’s humbled form, her eyes downcast, fist flexing softly around her white fabric napkin.

“I don’t -”

“You love chicken.” Ben’s eyes bored into her, the fluorescent light from the kitchen illuminating his form.  She shivered and let her fork clatter to the floor.  Slammed her fist into the white table cloth and twisted.  The cloth bunched into a pinwheel around her clenched fingers.  Her wineglass tipped precariously, splashing the red liquid across the stark, starchy cloth.

“I’ve had enough chicken.  I feel sick.”

Ben cleared his throat.  Sat back in his wheelchair, dabbing the corners of his lips with his napkin.

“Well Juliet.  There was no need to ruin such a lovely evening.  And just when everything was going so well…” He set his napkin down softly, eyes never faltering as they sat fixed on her conflicted features.  He reached his hand across the table, intent on clasping her own, only to have hers jerked away at the last minute.

“I used to be a vegetarian you know.” Her voice was icy.  She clutched her wine-splattered fist to her chest as if she’d been wounded.  Ben retracted his hand slowly and calmly, leaning back in his chair with a sigh.

“You’re right.  No more chicken after tonight.”  He chuckled softly, eyes on her all the while.  “I’ve had much too much dark meat as it is.  How do you feel about polar bear?”

Juliet’s head jerked up in a flash, her eyes going wide.  Ben grinned.

“Only kidding.”

Juliet clutched her reddened fist tighter, blinking back the fogginess threatening to overtake her vision.

“Only kidding…”


7_deadly_sins_, fic challenges, ben/juliet, lost fic, fic

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