An engineered solid-state metamaterial proved it can function as a state-of-the-art device in the complex terahertz (THz) range of the electromagnetic spectrum, controlling the phase of a THz beam 30 times faster and with far greater precision than a conventional optical device.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has found within Saturn's G ring an embedded moonlet, some half a kilometer across, that appears as a faint, moving pinprick of light. Scientists believe it is a main source of the G ring and its single ring arc.
A man who lost his sight 30 years ago says he can now see flashes of light after being fitted with a bionic eye.
Microscopic particles of carbon known as buckyballs may be able to keep the nation's water pipes clear in the same way clot-busting drugs prevent arteries from clogging up.
A Purdue University researcher has found a way to eliminate bacteria in packaged foods such as spinach and tomatoes. By placing two high-voltage, low-watt coils attached to a transformer on the outside of a sealed food package, a plasma field of ionized oxygen is generated, which forms ozone. Ozone kills bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella.
Two separate research teams have come up with four different methods to sniff keystrokes by detecting the electromagnetic radiation leaked from a computer keyboard.
Researchers at the University of Miami and at the Universities of Tokyo and Tohoku, in Japan, have discovered a spin battery effect: the ability to store energy into the magnetic spin of a material and to later extract that energy as electricity, without a chemical reaction.
Dutch scientists have successfully weakened fear memories in human volunteers by administering the beta-blocker propranolol. Interestingly, the fear response did not return over the course of time.
A new theory of variable gravity involving two cosmological-scale extra dimensions may account for observed gravitational anomalies on the medium scale.
Scientists have discovered a transparent form of the element sodium (Na). They were able to demonstrate that sodium defies normal physical expectations by going transparent under pressure.
Researchers in England have used fMRI to map the activity in volunteers' hippocampuses. From these scans, they could pinpoint exactly where the volunteers were in a virtual reality landscape.