Strong evidence has been uncovered in Bermuda that the planet's sea level was more than 70 feet higher about 400,000 years ago, during the interglacial period most similar to the present one now in progress.
Isolongifolenone, a cheap, natural compound easily synthesized from inexpensive turpentine oil feedstock, has been found to deter biting of mosquitoes and to repel ticks as effectively as DEET.
The discovery of electrically conductive domain walls in bismuth ferrite could pave the way for computer chip components as small as one to two nanometers.
Partial skeletons of a new giant, boa constrictor-like snake named "Titanoboa" were found in Colombia by an international team of scientists. At 2500 pounds and 43 feet, the snake was as long as a school bus and as heavy as a small car. The snake's massive size strongly suggests that the climate in the region where the fossils were found was much warmer during the period of the snake's reign, about 6 million years after the demise of T-rex.
By encoding a quantum hologram in the interference patterns of electron waves on the surface of a sliver of copper, Stanford University researchers were able to write the letters "SU" with features as small as .3 nanometers, setting a new record.
Scientists searching the depths of space for gravitational waves may have stumbled on one of the most important discoveries in physics. At least one physicist is convinced that he has found proof in the data of the gravitational wave detector GEO600 of a holographic universe.
In what is believed to be a first-ever procedure, surgeons have successfully removed a healthy donor kidney through a small incision in the back of the donor's vagina.