Tremere Genre

Jun 01, 2010 14:45

So, a bunch of stuff at Kubla happend, which has obviously set the OWBN world alight (no idea what I am talking about? Trust me, won't take much to find out). My take on it is this -- there is a very reasonable objection to be made from the perspective that since none of Book's actions were sent along to Joe Long or COuncil for any kind of feedback, that they should be walk backed and changed or entirely redlined on that basis. Multi game, national plot is supposed to go through those entities, especialy when it fundamentaly alters existing genre.

However, I got into an argument today about Tremere genre, specificly that the other person didn't understand how this whole situation would really impact it rather badly. I'll try to explain that concept here.

The first thing you have to understand is that Tremere in OWBN are very different then the clanbook version, in terms of outlook and attiude. There is no other way to put it -- in One World By Night, Tremere are facists. Like, super duper like woah facists. Loyalty is the most important trait for all Tremere. Ability is important, but loyalty to House and Clan is paramount. It is emphisized at every possible turn, and those that lack it are publicly tribunaled and executed to serve as one of many constant reminders. Thus, every well played, long term PC Tremere that is not a specific rogue/anarch concept is loyal by simple process of elimination and reinforcement.

Second, Tremere are the most NPC heavy clan, in terms of PC to NPC interaction. Those NPC's belive in loyalty too, even more then the PC's, and these NPC's are often god-fuck powerful. Auspex is an in-clan, and Prediction, Court of Hallowed Truth and Bone of Lies are all commonly seen tools. Simply put, you are often surrounded by elders who all have a million ways of knowing what your thinking. Big Brother is not only just watching, it's judging.

However, despite all this, were expected to belive that Daniel Book -- a very high ranking Regent and former member of one of the most important and senstive houses as well as THE most exclusive and protective society -- was somehow able to plan out a very intricate and specific searies of events that constatute the highest form of treason without a single one of the elders that Book, by design, would have interacted with constalty up to the moment of his death at his tribunal.

It simply makes no sense. I'm just not sure how anyone would play that, in terms of PC Tremere. How did every single horry elder, including Merlinda herslef, miss it? Simply put, they wouldn't, and our heads implode from the logic singularity.

The excuse I hear the most is that 'Joe didn't ask'. Well, Joe Long is not a telepathic, ultra powerful bloodsucking creature of the night. Joe is an overworked grad student. To bring my objection full circle, thats why ACE should and must bring this sort of thing to Coordinators and Council first, so that if Book really was creating these dead drops, both entites could have their input as to why the plan would not work exactly as planned because this or that NPC, ability, rituyal, or so forth. Using the excuse that Joe forgot a detial in a specific scene description is metagaming, pure and simple -- playing the system OOC to achive something IC.

So ends the lesson.
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