Scientists discover 7 ‘Earthlike’ planets orbiting a nearby star - The Washington Post

Feb 23, 2017 11:06

Scientists discover 7 ‘Earthlike’ planets orbiting a nearby star - The Washington Post

Can't stop thinking of Jack Vance:

The Rigel Concourse: a system of 26 planets orbiting Rigel, which were moved into the system in antiquity by a vanished alien race. Their pompous discoverer named them for figures of Victorian literature (such as Bulwer-Lytton and Rudyard Kipling); but the clerk who processed his transmission, Roger Pilgham, replaced the names with a fanciful series of his own devising: Alphanor, Barleycorn, Chrysanthe, Diogenes, Elfland, Fiame, Goshen, Hardacres, Image, Jezebel, Krokinole, Lyonesse, Madagascar, Nowhere, Olliphane, Pilgham (after himself), Quinine, Raratonga, Somewhere, Tantamount, Unicorn, Valisande, Walpurgis, Xion, Ys and Zacaranda. Pligham also gave a particularly ugly moon the name "Sir Julian" in honor to the discoverer of the entire system.

Many of the planets are not only inhabitable but extremely pleasant to live on, and all are settled to a greater or lesser degree. Some (principally Olliphane, Lyonesse and Tantamount) are mineral-rich and given over to heavy industry. The entire system is considered one of the primary focal points of the Oikumene and certainly represents the greatest concentration of habitable planets.

science, scifi, linkage, news

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