(no subject)

Jan 08, 2009 14:30

So, I'm always saying that Tanuki sometimes "sees ghosts" late at night in our apartment, because sometimes in the middle of the night he'll start acting really strange. He'll leap out of bed suddenly and hide in the corner, or sometimes he'll just wake up with a start and spend the whole rest of the night looking up at the ceiling. Sometimes I will wake up out of a sound sleep to find Tanuki looking around frantically. (Ryan sleeps through this most of the time.)

I have theorized that maybe 'Nuki is seeing ghosts, although I don't even necessarily believe in ghosts. But it's spooky sometimes, especially in the middle of the night when logic doesn't seem to be of much value. (I am most anxious and neurotic in the middle of the night anyway.)

If we do indeed have a ghost, it has been a very peaceful ghost and hasn't done any harm other than scaring the crap out of Tanuki from time to time. More likely our cat is just psycho, but it's sort of fun to entertain the notion that he is perceptive to paranormal activity. Ryan makes fun of me, because he doesn't believe in ghosts at all, and I'm not even saying I believe in them, I'm just saying, it's weird.

The weirdest thing lately is this photo my friend Maxine put on her Facebook page, that was taken over here at our apartment VERY late at night, like around 2:30 a.m. (Which, incidentally, is usually around the time Tanuki has his "ghost sightings". Anywhere from 2-4 a.m. is when I usually notice him acting like a weirdo and looking around at the ceiling and stuff.) This was a couple nights after Christmas, and Tanuki had been having his weird "ghost sitings" on Christmas night, which we had just been talking about during our visit with Maxine and Danny. We don't get to see Danny and Maxine very often, so Danny took a picture of me and Ryan and Maxine together before they left that night.

So anyway, I've read all these theories that these round white "orbs" in photos are supposed to indicate paranormal activity. People are always going to "haunted houses" and cemeteries and taking pictures that come out with these "orbs" in them, and they are believed by some to be ghosts. There are plenty of articles debunking this theory, of course, but I'm no expert on ghosts OR photography, so I really have no idea. But there's a nice big orb in this photo...maybe our ghost was posing for the photo with us!

I've gotten mixed responses on this from my friends. Some think I am a kook (including Ryan), but some (especially my friend Liz) are firm believers in this type of phenomenon. Liz thinks that you can sometimes see "features" or "characteristics" in these orbs, and she says ours looks like it's smiling. :) haha. I guess it's a friendly ghost, at least!

Seriously, if it is a ghost, Tanuki seems to be mellowing out about it. He seemed like something scared the daylights out of him the first time, but now he just looks around like he's interested in something floating around by the ceiling. According to Liz, "it's good for ghosts" to be around animals, and that I should just let the ghost play with Tanuki. =P

Maxine noticed orbs in some other photos she took at our house, but I noticed more orbs in A LOT of her pictures on Facebook, in all different settings. Either she hangs out at a lot of haunted places, or there's something wrong with her camera. ;)
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