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Nov 25, 2005 09:01

i have come to realize that life is for the strong minded. You cant survive if you freak yourself out about everything, the only way to stay with it is to think logically in the time of parrel. If you are weak minded you simply die or for lack of a better explanition and you live, its called luck. It's a weird concept i know, but i think it really is true. Almost everything in your life you are in your own head, own mind, own thoughts, no individual is there with you. You are on your own. Sometimes there is some physical comfort, sometimes there isnt. But i think in order to survive you have to know the importance and enjoyment of physical comfort, but you have to be able to do without it, otherwise you are essentaily weak minded. I think thats one of the many things that set the strong and the weak minded apart. I have determined that i am going to be one of those individuals who are strong minded.

This is one of my new theories, its amazing what you can come up with when you actually put some thought into it.

Everyone have a great thanksgiving holiday.

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