(no subject)

May 17, 2005 15:42

I am only taking 2 classes right now and I have so much schoolwork to do. I have been getting up at 7:30am to work out, then I get ready for school, come home, try to do homework but normally end up messing around online and wasting my valuable time. My computer and the internet have turned into my guilty pleasures. Anyway....I'm writing a speech on Dr. Phil right now. I know..it's a weird topic but I couldn't come up with anything cool---even though it's informational and really could be on absolutely anything as long as it isn't persuasive.

Speaking of which..if you have any suggestions for my persuasive speech---PUHLEEZE let me know. Also...if you know anywhere to buy cute workout clothes that don't cost a million dollars--I'm open for suggestions. Today I spent a flippin ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS on 3 pairs of workout pants and 2 tops. I know. What a rip. But..I needed some new stuff and I have already looked everywhere. Even Target had nothing cute.

Alright. Back to the Doctor.
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