Jun 05, 2012 15:50
What would you do?
Our neighbor had a name. It was David. I don't know his last name. David was retired, perhaps on disablity. He had cancer and was going to Chemo. He used to sit out on his porch, which faces ours, and drink, and watch. Especially on hot days. He would chat with you when if you took the time to stop. David didn't like authority or government, and was slightly paranoid. He also owned a gun. I don't know a whole lot about David. He used to live there with his mother, Miss Katie, who passed some years ago. His only family was his sister, her husband, and their kids, who live in Utah.
Last Thursday, the police came. Evidenly, they had gotten a call from the sister, who was worried about David, as she had been unable to get ahold of him. They pounded on the door, but he didn't repsond. They returned Friday, and were told by a voice inside the home to "go away". They couldn't enter, legally, (evidently), as it was just a maintenance call.
It was hot this weekend. David was not on his porch.
His window unit was not turned on, nor were any lights seen in the house. All weekend. Or yesterday.
The sister showed up today. She came with a key. But she was so upset, she had grabbed the wrong key. They finally had to break down the door. She asked if she had to go in, the police said she only had to be there when they opened the door, that they would go inside.
At 1:30 today, the coroner was there.
I can't imagine driving across two states, worried about your brother (or sister, for that matter), not sure if he is alive or dead. And I am wondering.....what is our moral obligation in a case like this? What is our ethical obligation? What is our Christian obligation?
I can't help but think that we should have gone over there on Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Banged on the door. Tried the knob. But, if the cops can't get it, what makes me think I would be any different? If it were my brother, would I want the neighbor "trying to help?"
Possibly. But I would not expect it. At all. Maybe, if we had been friends. But isn't everyone suppsed to be my brother? Maybe. But then not everyone is paranoid and armed.
I have to admit, self-preservation kicked in.
But I still want to know.....what is our obligation?