| | 028 | | Accidental Voice | |

Oct 22, 2010 00:16

[Reiner's frog, which was still nameless; accidentally steps on the cursed man's communicator and it started to broadcast.]

Reiner, oh Reiner~ You're such a fool!

Huh? ...Who's there?

Insanity! That's who's knocking! Why haven't you asked the dear captain of this ship to lock you away in the loony bin? You hear voices and you even saw something but yet you don't tell a soul. Why is that? You don't want to be perceived as delusional again just like the time you got attacked and gained those bandages on your arms.

[There's a creak from the bed Reiner is seated on and he sounds bothered by whatever is speaking to him.]

Please, be quiet.

Quiet? Hah! You've been quiet for practicually your whole life! Ever since the death of your uncle and after being warned about being close to your family. You lied to them that going away would help you! You were wrong and look where that 'help' got you. You're letting yourself be used by that--

Enough! I'm asking you to stop!

Why stop there? You're defending Isabella because you know she's a vampire and put you under a spell, not once but twice? That being that visited you that other night was right about her and about Gail too! You are pathetic!

[Reiner notices the communicator and quickly turns it off, hoping that what was heard, wasn't much.]

gail, event, i'm not crazy for hearing voices, voice

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