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Jul 28, 2010 22:03

[Most of Reiner's day had been spent in the library, looking through literature for the usual things he was searching for. Eventually, he takes a break and heads for the buffet for a small meal before heading back to the library for more reading ( Read more... )

shouldn't be saying this, novels, comment log

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faeriexprincess July 29 2010, 03:36:42 UTC
[Amaria's just been hiding in her room again; without her memories things are rather... confusing, so she's been trying to force them to come back.

All it's gotten her is a huge headache and an empty stomach, so to the buffet she goes for some food. Seeing someone else there is always nice; she can learn things from people, after all.]



internalcage July 29 2010, 03:44:03 UTC
[There's a blink from Reiner as he hears a female voice, he turns his head to look at her.]


[He smiled a little and tried to not stare at her ears.]

Are you lost, by chance?


faeriexprincess July 29 2010, 19:31:52 UTC
Ah, no... needed to eat...

[The man is human, judging by his ears. She's eying the food but also trying to keep eye contact with him, not wanting to be rude. She doesn't really know what most of the food offered is, anyways...]

Um... may I join you?


internalcage July 29 2010, 22:02:59 UTC

[He gestured to a chair across from him. Although he realized she needed to eat.]

Well, maybe you should grab some food from the buffet over there before sitting down.


faeriexprincess July 29 2010, 23:43:17 UTC
Oh, y-yes!

[Ama can't help but wonder if she's always been this easily flustered or if its a side effect of the amnesia; oh well.

The faerie really doesn't know much about the food they have there, but she grabs some cookies and other things that look at least semi-familiar before returning to the table and sitting across from him.]

Thank you. Um... I'm Amaria. Nice to meet you...?


internalcage July 29 2010, 23:46:24 UTC
[He nods and keeps his bandaged hands from sight.]

You're welcome and its nice to meet you Amaria, I'm Reiner.


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 01:44:26 UTC

[That's a new name; she won't forget that. The faerie smiles a little.

Unfortunately, Ama's still rather perceptive, and decidedly blunt. She notes his hidden hands, tilting her head a little.]

Is something wrong with your hands, Reiner?


internalcage July 30 2010, 01:48:45 UTC
Ah, not really.

[He allows his bandages to camouflage themselves before raising them back up. He really didn't want to worry her.]

See? They're fine.


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 01:54:34 UTC

[Well, he seems to be alright, so she won't worry for now; he still seemed a little...off? Oh well.]

Have you been here long, Reiner? On the ship, I mean.

[May as well get to know everyone she meets.]


internalcage July 30 2010, 01:58:00 UTC
[He took a moment to eat his food, before wiping his mouth and answer her question.]

I just hit a year, rather recently, actually.


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 02:12:59 UTC
It seems like a lot of people have been here that long!

[She munches on a cookie, thinking.]

I feel so... new? I've only been here for...

[Wait. How long has it been?]

About a month now, actually... I think...


internalcage July 30 2010, 02:15:13 UTC
There's a few who have been here longer than me.

[He crossed his hands on the table.]

Are you getting around well enough, Amaria?


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 02:29:03 UTC
So I've heard.

[She blinks, a little surprised, then does her best to smile.]

Ah, yes; I haven't had any... problems, so far. I just can't...

[Ama sighs and shakes her head.]

No, never mind; I'm doing alright.


internalcage July 30 2010, 02:32:31 UTC
You can't what?

[Although when she brushes it off, he lowers his head.]

Ah, I'm sorry for asking.


faeriexprincess July 30 2010, 02:37:15 UTC
No, it's alright.

[Now she smiles a little again, shrugging.]

I just feel like I've... been pushing it on everyone, so to speak.

I have amnesia; my only true memory is my first name.


internalcage July 30 2010, 02:39:34 UTC
[There was a surprised look on Reiner's face.]

I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?

[He was considering using his curse to find out some information to give back to her. This wasn't selfish, was it?]


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