
May 02, 2004 19:17


Name: Judy     
Location: Iowa
Nationality: I was born in the US, but I have French heritage.
Religion:I was raised Catholic, but am antagonistic at the moment.


Type of music: Almost anything! My musical tastes are truly eclectic.
Bands/Singer: Frank Sinatra, The Ramones, Gershwin, and Norah Jones.
Foods: Pizza! Ice Cream, and French pastries!
Holidays: I love Halloween, and I am a girlygirl at heart, so Valentine’s has it’s charms.
Animal: My gold-fish Marvin.
Color: Pink or light green.
Books: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, and Much Ado About Nothing, Shakespeare… Plays count right?
Games: Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit
Sports: Baseball (Cubs… It’s our year!) and 4 Square!


If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?: Hug everyone I saw, and tell all the people I love how much they mean to me. That’s nice… actually, I would probably, have sex and try to assassinate the President, not at the same time though.
How would you describe yourself overall in 10 or less words?: A bundle of contradictions. Oh, and short.
What would you do if someone just randomly flicked you off?: Hug them.
You have three wishes. How would you use them up?: Well, wish for more? If not, I would 1) Wish for my and my family to be financially secure 2) Wish I would learn to be content with myself and 3) Wish for Ignorance to disappear

Your thoughts on..

Homophobia: Ignorance! Love is equal, I don’t want to have to start quoting Mulion Rouge, but I will. Love, love is like oxygen! How can we disqualify some one’s love merely based on the object of their affections?
Abortion: I wouldn’t have one. Women should be able to choose how they use, or abuse, their bodies, it has saved lives.
Sex Ed: Important, but not this Abstinence bull our president thinks is necessary, we need information and education. Not a “Do not enter” Sign.
Love: What keeps me going, but also what holds me back.
Hate: Hate, I think everyone hates sometime, so I don’t want to be a hypocrite, but I think hate is what divides, love connects.
Vegetarianism: I am a vegetarian. I think that sums it up.
Religion: Often used as a front cover or excuse for hate I think. But Religion can be such a binding force for a people in need. As for me? I am observing and questioning my religion right now, I am curious.
Pedophilia: I feel so sorry for these men, or women, who are so lonely and sick they result to pedophilia.

Word Association

beauty: Compassion
rating: competition
judge: love
squirrel: scurry
rape: help
sadness: hug
ghetto: booty

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C'est moi!

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