It rains

Oct 22, 2017 22:57

I taught acro to kids today for four hours. There was one girl who was afraid to let me lift her up, not because she was scared of heights, but because she was afraid I would not be able to lift her, or that it would be hard for me to lift her. She was bigger than the other girls, though not by much. She did decide to trust me to try a few things, and then became a very enthusiastic acrobatic flyer. After the class she ran up to me and gave me a hug and seemed really happy to have been in the class. You never know with kids what things will end up being meaningful to them, what things will stick in their heads and end up shaping how they see the world or themselves. I don't assume today was meaningful beyond a fun class. But I really do try to make sure that the things I teach leave all the kids feeling like they can participate and have fun and be proud of themselves.

I also did acro on the hoverboard for the first time. With Agga. Which was great. And after we sat and talked for a while which was also great. I'm super proud of her. I hardly recognize the withdrawn girl who I invited to acro classes with me for almost a year before she worked up the courage to actually come. Now she is performing and traveling and making amazing plans. Just lovely.

Last night Rebekka came over and we watched silly TV shows and cuddled and talked about act ideas for the cabaret. Then we started kissing and things went from there. I found myself thinking that I was so... grateful? humbled? happy? That this person I enjoy spending time with was sharing themselves with me. It was not a big profound feeling, really. More like an easy, happy, thankful-for-the-life-I-have kind of feeling. It was nice.

Life is still really hard. Like, sometimes impossibly hard. But not always.
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