Sep 14, 2008 09:27
There we go. Finally removed all the people on my flist that were useless, so no more bitching about that.
However, I figured I'd just go ahead and say this while it is still hot in my heart:
Screw Blue. Seriously, he can just piss right off. Trying to act like he actually likes and respects me, then once I'm away, he starts talking about how he's better than me, and used to beat most of Colorado until we got "technical and crap"? Wtf?
You play one round with me, one round (and a friendly, no less), and, rather than just say good game and walk away, you talk shit because you barely won? Worse yet, you do it BEHIND my back? Not cool.
I used to have the utmost respect for this guy. I used to try and have fun when playing him, rather than just gimping, zoning, and being a jerk to him. I even gave him advice, once I surpassed him, and this is what I get?
Piss off, Blue. Any time you think you're hot shit, play me. Best of whatever, for however much money. GG, SSBM/SSBB, hell, I'll even stomp you in 3s, AH or KoF, despite the fact that I don't play those games. I'm done fooling around with and being nice to anyone that says one thing to me, then another to someone else. Especially when the only thing they had going for them was the fact that I liked them, and didn't want to discourage them from playing with me.
Oh, and to prevent any confusion, I'm talking about BlueThunder/Winston. A kid with dark hair, glasses, and an unhealthy obsession with the colour blue. Used to play DDR, till he started losing/it died out. Used to play SSBM, till he started losing to YOSHILMFAOGOODJOB! Then your john is that you used to beat us, before we got better at the game? Good job, man. Way to not recognize people that actually bothered to work for their wins, rather than just beat people when they were still bad, and then brag about it like it was something special.
Hey, there's something. When was the last time you won ANYTHING when there was good competition present? DDR? lmfao, New Mexico owned Colorado for free. SSBM? Hahahahahahahhahahaha, you claimed that Ben was tier whoring after losing to his Yoshi, and then proceeded to lose to Tim's Ness, I do believe. Way to rep it with Ganon, amirite? GG? You haven't even placed top 3 in a CO GG tournament, and we're still kinda weak with this game. 3s? Same thing, I'm pretty sure.
So, Winston, what ARE you good at? Socializing? You were at a damn anime convention, and, given your attitude, I doubt you know many people outside of that circle, so you can't really claim you're all that good when it comes to that. Life? You feel the need to act like beating people during friendlies/3 years ago when they sucked at a game is something special, and worth bragging about, so I can't imagine your actual life would be much better. Employment? Shit, I don't even know where you work, but I can't imagine it's anything to write home about.
Now, this may seem like I'm ranting about stupid competitive video games, and the drama inherent in them, but it's not just that. Lately, for some reason or another, I've been finding out that a lot of people have been saying stuff behind my back. Obviously, this doesn't apply to the majority (if any) of the people reading this. However, it is incredibly relevant to the whole incident with Blue. When I have to find out from one of my friends that you have problems with me, or that you're talking crap behind my back, that's just wrong.
You have problems with me? That's cool. Talk to me about it, I'll work on fixing it. Obviously, some things are a little awkward to talk about, and I can understand to a certain extent. Just let someone I know know, in that case. Don't make it seem like you simply enjoy slandering my character when I'm not present.
If you want to just talk crap, do it to my face. Look at Ken. Guy never stops talking crap to me, and I went to NDK with him. Yeah, I'm sure he does it behind my back sometimes, but at least he has the decency to be an ass to my face. Hell, I'd even say I kinda like him for it, as long as I'm not in a bad mood.
So, seriously, if you've got beef with me, don't be a pansy and talk crap about me when I'm not around. If you don't like me, cool, whatever. If you have problems, alright, let's talk it out. Just don't pretend to be my friend when I'm around, then talk like you'd never be caught dead with me when I'm not. Most uncool.