May 21, 2005 20:13
Dear Professor Lupin,
I am very happy to learn that you are the current Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts.
I realise this might come a bit of a surprise to you, even after all these years, water under the bridge and that sort of thing. But when I was much younger I may have been somewhat over-confident in my abilities due to the fact that I was used to receiving good marks in the subject in my five years under Professor Quirrel, and in my sixth year with Professor Lockhart.
While it is very important to one's career and future success to maintain good marks in all of one's classes, I confess that I may have underestimated the importance of the subject in and of itself.
Reporting the situation to Professor Dumbledore may have been stepping over the line -- but I hope you understand that I was thinking of the students' careers at the time. I felt it was my responsibility as Head Boy-- well. I was very young and perhaps overly concerned with the impression our poor marks made, since you gave barely passing marks to virtually the entire class which seemed to me -- at that time -- unfair. When even I did poorly, well, you can see how it was misread as a political attempt to 'puff up' your own credibility by discrediting your predecessors. I mean, I was the best student in the class.
However, I realise that you were primarily concerned with how little we had learned. I agree now that our training up to that date had been woefully inadequate.
With my intended career path, you must understand that History of Magic and Arithmancy seemed far more important. I never imagined that I would need Defense Against the Dark Arts. And yet, haha, in one of those odd little quirks of fate I find myself living in Lithuiania which, as I'm sure you know, is virtually crawling with Dark Magic. (Ironic, isn't it?) I fear am not quite up to the task to face Dark Magic on a daily basis.
I am working to rectify this, ah, problem even as we speak. I am applying for an apprenticeship. However, due to my poor marks in the subject I require a letter of recommendation from at least one of my former Professors. Obviously Professors Quirrel and Lockhart are unavailable---
*Percy crumples letter.*