Sep 11, 2008 01:51
That new feature that essentially does what something already did pretty well... it doesn't matter.
Moving a button from over here to over there... it doesn't matter.
The new startup that's going to bring Twitter to the enterprise... it doesn't matter.
Sweeping generalizations about how hard it is to meet people because people in city X are so lame... it doesn't matter.
Using complaining as a primary way to interact with people... it doesn't matter.
The inside jokes no one else gets and other banal details spewed onto the internet... it doesn't matter.
That stray tuft of hair that's sticking straight up and refuses to lay flat... it doesn't matter.
The piece of trivia lots of people know, but can't use in any way... it doesn't matter.
The new feature that creates a meaningful connection to another human being or reveals a new idea that couldn't have happened before... that matters.
Not having to spend time troubleshooting your tools... that matters.
Shielding people from those who try to steal away time and attention... that matters.
The small gesture made to a friend or stranger that brought that person even a second of happiness... that matters.
Giving people the benefit of the doubt and distinguishing oversight from malice... that matters.
The words used when criticizing someone or expressing disagreement... that matters.
Learning from a mistake, addressing it, and moving on... that matters.
Creating something with your hands... that matters.
Taking extra time to simplify something complex to save time for others... that matters.
Being consciousness about how your actions impact the physical and mental environment... that matters.
Giving your brain room to breathe... that matters.
Speaking up when something isn't right... that matters.
Teaching someone something new... that matters.
Maintaining a connection between the mind and the body... that matters.
Recognizing when something doesn't matter and blowing past it onto something that does... that matters.