(no subject)

Jun 08, 2008 01:11

Word Count: 434
Prompt: What do you look for in a friend?
Verse: Canon

My friends? Oh, there are so many, spread all across time and space, from that tiny, loud, brilliant planet called Earth, to planet-wide marketplace of Mekyl 4 -- which, incidentally, is a lovely place if your looking for something other than clothing, as the local’s taste in fashion is absolutely appalling. I mean, honestly, nylon and plastic? That was never even in style, so they really shouldn’t be claiming that they are trying to bring it back, and for all of their intra-planetary imports, you’d think that they may have had cobbled together a bit of dress sense from their neighbors, but no, no, they continue to try and push outfits that are little more than glorified bubble wrapping gone wrong, and-- I am really starting to run off, aren’t I?

Anyway, I’m not, generally, in the habit of looking for specific things in a friend. I mean, obviously, I would like one who wasn’t actively trying to kill me, but even that has been known to happen on the occasion, and he turned out to be a  wonderful companion once he got his priorities in order. A bit of trust helps also, I’ve found, as you don’t want to be travelling with a fellow who is keen on interesting places -- that sometimes involve a bit of running -- if you don’t trust him.

To be perfectly honest, it’s my friends that usually find me. Sometimes they literally run into me -- running from something, quite often something with very large teeth or with very large, very shiny guns pointing in very much the wrong direction. Sometimes they just wander aboard the TARDIS. ...And then they wander out, take a look at her in all of her blue police box glory, shake their heads, and realize that, yes, for the hundredth time, she really is bigger on the inside, and you’d best be getting back inside before those unfriendly fellows do some very unkind things to your person.

...It’s the ones that stay after that that usually end up travelling with me. (The others usually just quietly forget that they ever saw her in the first place.)

But, mostly, I think, I want I can show the universe to, because it’s glorious, it is, for all of it’s ups and downs, for all the despots and unfairness and wars. I want someone who wants to to see the universe. The don't have to be particularly clever -- although that certainly helps if we're caught up in a sticky situation, I'll give you. They don't even have to be particularly brave. I really just want... a friend.

verse: canon, fic

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