A drabble start.

Aug 31, 2006 09:59

Title: Close
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 119
Pairing: Zoro/Sanji
Topic: Attraction

Sanji isn't gay, he isn't bisexual. He can't even identify attractive features in other men. So it must have been a horrible tasteless joke from above when he fell in love with Zoro. He's not sure if he's actually sexually attracted to the shitty swordsman, but he knows in his heart there is not a person on this earth he wants to be closer too. He even thinks that if it was possible he would cut Zoro into tiny pieces, saute him in butter, eat him and have his shitty swordsman soul remain a part of him forever. But its not. So he settles for the feeling of Zoro moving inside of him and nothing turns him on more.
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