Nov 20, 2008 09:55
so, in my first dream i don't remember much, but i did get punched in the face by a celebrity (I think it was maggie gylenhal, but that's another story) and then i woke up and actually propelled myself into the corner of my nightstand, so that my lip is actually sore today. argh... i guess i should just be glad i didn't hit it harder, but still, it's the first time i've ever hurt myself waking up from a dream.
there was something else going on with hiding a box and a secret, but it's too blurry for me to put down here.
my second dream is a lot more convoluted. I was in a halloween party at my high school, and for some reason we had to put on this big cheesy televised performance, and i was miserable, and they kept on trying to make me smile because i stood out in the filming and they were trying to convince everyone that our high school was a happy place. after that, i was hanging out with my two best friends, and we went out drinking and partying, and then were trying to figure out a way to get back home. as we're looking around for a taxi, a truck pulls up with two guys dressed as rednecks, one in front, one in the back with a girl, and they're like "we'll drive you home", and danielle's like "sounds good, lets pile it in", so we all get into the car, laura and danielle in the back, and me in the front. I try talking to the guy driving, and i say "nice costume", to which he replies "what are you talking about, this is my mechanic's uniform", and then i see we're driving on this dark, winding road. I start to freak out a little and think that he's not taking us to dani's house, and so i try to surreptitiously fish my knife from my purse and hide it open in the car where he can't see it but i can get easy access to it in case he decides he wants to rape us. I'm interrupted by the guy in the backseat and the girl making out furiously and moving around wildly all over the car as they try to find enough space for them to have sex. they end up mostly on my lap, so i try to crawl to the back to be with danielle and laura and to try and get us out of this mess. once i get back there, i notice the driver is doing more watching of the couple than he is watching of the road, and so i try to get his attention, to point out that he needs to watch the road, and just as i tell him he needs to be paying attention, the road veers to the left and we don't, and we drive straight off a cliff. as we tumble down, i bury my face in danielle and laura's shoulder, and tell that that we're about to die and it's been great knowing them, and then miraculously, the truck lands tires down, and the stupid asshole redneck turns to me and says "see? fords are built tough", and he and the other guy and his girl start laughing hysterically, and i grab laura and danielle and start to run down the rocky beach where we've landed, thinking that we've gotta get away from these people and get safe. So we run until we come to this facility, and when we enter, there are all these 10-14 year old girls there in sleeping bags, and we think it's a halloween sleepover, so i start looking around for parents, but the only person i can find above 14 is this 18 year old, who tells me this is a rite of passage party, where a woman's menstrual cycle and how to not get pregnant are explained to her, and all the parents have left their kids there for the night so that they can learn the secrets of being a woman. She then leads me to the phone to call the authorities on the guys, and as soon as i pick up the cradle, i wake up.
I think i'm really nervous about tomorrow. really, really nervous.