FIC: under my skin

Jul 23, 2011 23:09

Fandom: Sherlock
Pairing: Sherlock / Moriarty
Warnings: Graphic, angry sex.
Ratings: PG13.
Summary: Jim and Sherlock. Things are not what they seem.

Written for this prompt on the Sherlock kink meme.

i've got you under my skin
i've got you deep in the heart of me

To anyone passing, the two men might have looked like they were two children, fighting, or perhaps two lovers, teasing and playful, wrapped in each other in a tender embrace. But Jim’s fingers were pulling Sherlock’s soft hair out by the roots, and Sherlock’s teeth on his neck were scraping the skin hard enough to draw blood.

Jim dragged his nails down Sherlock’s shoulders, scratching like he needed the bone beneath, and giggled.

“Oh, really, Sherlock, if that’s the best you’ve got…”

Sherlock’s hand was quick, pulling back to slap him, but Jim’s was quicker, and suddenly Sherlock was held in an iron grip, pressed against the wall by Jim’s hips and chest. He snarled.

“I’ve thought about this,” Jim breathed, a hitch in his voice from the constant laughter. Sherlock hissed, and pulled his arms free in one swift movement to shove at Jim, pushing him to the floor and pulling himself on top of him. Jim’s head banged against the floor as Sherlock held down by the shoulders and kissed him furiously.

“So,” Sherlock said, biting at his lip, and his tongue, with swollen lips, “have I.” Jim rolled him over, and the two men struggled, straining hard, rutting against each other like animals.

“The great Sherlock Holmes,” laughed Jim, between forceful kisses and gasps of pain, “as mad as they come.”

“Me? Mad?” Sherlock laughed himself as he grabbed Jim’s cock through his trousers, hard, and heard the lunatic call out in pain. “Projecting, are we?”

Jim chuckled, and thrust into Sherlock’s fingers. He was trembling with the excitement now, tearing at Sherlock’s clothes and hair, leaving purple bruises on his skin. “Oh, I did so want you like this,” he hissed, “desperate for me.”

Sherlock could only snarl in response, grab Jim’s hand, force it down onto his own cock, and start it working. Jim’s hand was firm, and playful; Sherlock’s was neither of those things, but both men were bucking, rutting, wild with desire.

“I will fuck you until you bleed,” Sherlock whispered, in a voice that would make any other man cry for mercy, but Jim only moaned in need, and called back “Oh, honey… you’re the one that’s fucked.”

Perhaps, Sherlock would think later, both of them were. But such thoughts were not there, not then when he needed him so bad he could not think, and they fucked on the floor of an abandoned house whilst the trail of corpses that led them here grows cold, and oh, fuck, it hurt so very, very good.

in spite of the warning voice that comes in the night...
i've got you under my skin.

sherlock, porn, fic

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