Reality catches up to satire

Jul 26, 2012 03:04

Satire, from last May: Romney: "Of course I'll win, I'm the white guy"

Romney turned to the man seated on his left and seemingly forgetting the ten plus reporters in the room said, "Well between you and me, we have to think about the reality of the situation. Obama is a popular guy and his supporters are hell-bent in getting him reelected. There is one thing that his campaign seems to keep forgetting over and over, and that is how many Americans can't stand the guy for an obvious reason. Of course I'll win, I'm the white guy."

Reality, from last Tuesday: Mitt Romney would restore 'Anglo-Saxon' relations between Britain and America

"We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he feels that the special relationship is special," the adviser said of Mr Romney, adding: "The White House didn't fully appreciate the shared history we have".

Yes, really.

compare and contrast, politickles, water is still wet

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