Ganked from bart_calendar

Dec 01, 2010 12:10

OK, this is embarrassing. I'd always trusted the Better Business Bureau; it seems I've been very wrong to.

It turns out that people are able to pay the BBB money to improve their ratings and told that if they don't pay they'll get their rating trashed.

Some of the companies that refused to pay, and subsequently given F ratings, include Wolfgang Puck, Walt Disney World and The Ritz Carlton. The interview shows a number of small companies who paid money and, one day later, had their C or lower ratings raised to As and had the complaints about them mysteriously vanish from the website.

While the BBB insists that only businesses which meet their high ethical standards will be accepted as members, Hamas and Stormfront were able to buy A ratings for about $400 apiece.

image Click to view

And is there any reason at all I can't point to this when libertarians insist that all industries ought to self-regulate?

people suck sometimes, i can't make this stuff up

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